Monday, July 12, 2010


Dustin and I planned a vacation for the two of us to Costa Rica. So, my mom (Grancy) and cousin Rachel came to visit and then watch the boys for a couple of days.

Their first day here, Rachel dressed up Brady and spiked his hair!

They took such good care of the boys. The took the boys swimming, to the Children's museum, out to eat, and just entertained them for a couple of days. I don't have any pictures of their adventures since my mom does not take pictures!

But, Jackson and Brady had such a great time. From the stories I hear, Brady would not let Rachel leave his sight and Jackson wore my mom out! My mom also shared that she got lost in our neighborhood and somehow Jackson managed to get her to our house! I was amazed. After telling her where to turn, when they arrived, Jackson threw up his hands and yelled "you made it!" So funny!

Thanks guys for taking care of the boys while we got away. Next, the Aldridges arrived in town to relieve Grancy and Rachel...hopefully they will send some pictures and I can update the blog!