Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy 17 Months, Brady

I have not given updates in a while, but want to do a post to catch up on all that Brady has been doing lately!

Brady, here is what has been going on in the last few months. You took your first steps around 14 months but were very stubborn and did not walk full time until 15 months. You are now beginning to run more and get really excited every time you run. You never really had the Frankenstein walk and once you decided to walk you just got up and went.

You love the play fort in the backyard and climb up the ladder by your self and you love to slide down. You love the swing and could sit in there all day!

You are becoming more and more verbal everyday. You can sign: more, milk, all done, please, and thank you. You add new words all the time and really try and repeat everything you hear. My favorite is "no" which you began to repeat after Jackson repeated that word 50 times in the car one afternoon. Just the other day you were carrying around a stuffed hippo and when I said "hippo", you repeated "popo" then got excited you said it and continually repeated it.

You are the sweetest little boy. You blow kisses to everyone (including all the ladies at the grocery store), you will lean in for a kiss from mommy and daddy and always give your stiffed animals kisses. You love your nanny, Kristy and get excited every time she opens he door in the morning. For a period you were solely a mama's boy, but now you have moments where daddy is the only one you want!

When we went to Costa Rica this month and left you with Grancy and Rachel and Grandma and PaPa, you did really well. You preferred Rachel and apparently would not leave her side and fussed every time she left your sight. After that, apparently you preferred Grandma and only wanted Grandma to take care of you. You certainly have a mind of your own and know exactly what you want.

You are also extremely goofy and love to dance. You always do the funniest things. The other day you were trying to put small Tupperware on your feet like shoes and then walk around. You were so patient trying to get them on and so proud when it finally worked!

You do love to dance and can't help yourself whenever you hear music. Jackson loves to dance with you and will say "shake your body Brady" I love you and Jackson's "dance parties"- the two of you always make me smile!

You are also a very stubborn little guy and have begun throwing tantrums. You will get angry and either throw your self onto the floor (belly flop style) or throw your arms in the air and do a tantrum dance. But, your tantrums are generally short lived and mommy and daddy (and Kristy) have to work not to laugh.

You continue to be enamored with your big brother. You say his name (or some version of his name) and smile every time you see him. Jackson loves to come in to your room in the morning and get you books and toys while you wait in your crib. You two play together more and more and love to run around causing trouble in Jackson's room and mommy and daddy's room. I love watching you two and hope you are always close!

You continue to be a laid back little guy and are just such a joy to be around. We love you very much and can't wait to see what the next months and years bring as you grow!