Saturday, July 31, 2010

Glenwood Springs!

We took a trip to Basalt to see Uncle Stacy and Aunt Norah. We decided to spend the day in Glenwood Springs, since we have never really explored that town. We had a fun day. We went to the Glenwood Springs Adventure Park where the boys had a blast.

Jackson rode the Alpine Coaster with Daddy:

He also rode the "Giddy Up". It was ride that took you in the air and did a couple of small free falls. I wish I had video because Jackson had the best time with the biggest smile on his face!!

Brady just ran around and smiled the whole time. He loved hanging out with Uncle Stacy:

Dustin and Uncle Stacy rode some crazy swing that appeared more like some sort of death trap!

After lunch we headed to the Hot Springs pool. As always, the boys enjoyed themselves! Brady wanted Aunt Norah to hold him the entire time.

We had such a great time visiting and we will be back again soon. Uncle Stacy promise to take us rafting!