Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Beach!

Our last stop on our "Tour De Texas" was the beach. We went to Galveston with my mom ("Grancy") and Mr. Dan. The boys had such a great time. Charlotte really enjoyed playing in the sand. Jackson was in the water most of the trip. Brady ventured out to the water a couple of times, but preferred to be on the beach- playing in the sand, and chasing birds and crabs. The only disappointment was the amount of seaweed- it was incredible and pretty much built a barrier between the beach and the ocean. That did not stop Jackson and Dustin from going out and playing and boogie boarding. We all the love the beach so much. Here are some fun photos of us that hung out on the beach:

Jackson and Daddy boogie boarding:
Each night Brady would disappear and we would find him on the deck in deep conversations with Mr. Dan. It was so funny!
Brady loved crawling inside Grancy's bathing suit coverup. He wanted to be a baby. It was fairly amusing!
We had so much fun. We were there to celebrate Jackson's 5th birthday, but that will be another post. I always wish I had more pictures, but with three little ones, it has become increasingly difficult to capture all the fun. But, we had a blast!