Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy 5 Years, Jackson

Jackson, Wow- five years old. You are growing into such a little boy. There are many times I would like to freeze time and make you stop growing. There are also days that cannot pass quickly enough! You are such a wonderful little boy. However, you are also very strong willed and love to challenge mommy and daddy. You still love all things related to animals of any kind. You love to watch animal centered movies and shows (Wild Kratts is one of your favorites), read any book about animals and do anything where you can explore the animal world. You love to go to the zoo, museum and aquarium. You can recite most facts about most animals, it is quite an amazing skill. Brady shares your love of animals and you two love to play together. You created the "animal guessing game" and we play this constantly. You are frequently changing the rules and the specific animals that we can think of, but you and Brady both love the game, so we play, a lot! You also love Charlotte. I think the two of you have some special connection. You are always in her face talking to her and helping her, sometimes it can be a bit much. But, she adores you as well. When she is crying in the car you always try and make her stop, sometimes you will ask her questions to distract her from tears. You also love Brady and the two of you play so well together most of the time. You are very demanding of Brady and pretty bossy with him. You are lucky that he is an easy going kid. Brady almost always follows your lead when you two play. But, you are brothers and you will fiercely protect Brady as well. It is one thing if you pick on him but if anyone else tries you are right there to stick up for him. It is very sweet. You love learning and we are excited for you to start kindergarten this year. I know it will be difficult at times, but I think you will thrive! You also have some dislikes. You do not like it when you cannot achieve something right away or you are not the best at something. You hate to lose. We are working with being a good sport and a graceful loser. You also don't like it when you don't get your way. There are times when you don't care at all, but other times that it will send you into a fit. You are a born negotiator and will negotiate anything, I mean anything! Overall, you are just a sweet, special, wonderful little boy. You love kisses and hug from mom and dad every morning before we leave and every night before bed. You love to for us to rub your back and sing songs right before bed. You are not the snuggliest kid, but I soak up any opportunity for the two of us to cuddle whether that is while watching a movie or a morning you are up too early and climb in bed with us. You are our first blessing, Jackson, and you are five! We love you! Love, Mommy