Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy 5 Months, Charlotte (No Pictures)

The months are just flying by around here!

You still sleep great and through the night. Daylight Savings time messed with that a little last week and now you get up a bit earlier. Hopefully that will change soon. You still eat 5 times a day and take 3 naps. I think sometime later this month we will try to give you some cereal.

Over the last month, you have had some firsts. You finally rolled over from your tummy to your back. You rolled over at 20 weeks! You are also getting closer to rolling from your back to your tummy. You also started purposefully grabbing at your toys on your playmat. You love to lay on your playmat and grab and swat your toys and "talk" to them.

You are also geting closer to sitting up. You like to be in the sitting position, but only least a couple of second before you topple over.

You are still the smiliest and happiest baby. People comment on your wonderful dispostion all the time. You will smile at anyone who pays attention to you. But, you save the biggest smiles for family - especially mommy and Jackson. You are also doing great in the church nursery, which is nice!

Next week, everyoe is coming in town for your Baby Dedication. It will be a crazy weekend, but great having everyone here.

I can't believe that you have only been a part of our lives for 5 months. I can't imagine our family without you. As Jackson always says: "I love you with all my heart."