Sunday, November 20, 2011

Charlotte's Baby Dedication

Charlotte had her baby dedication today.

In all the chaos surrounding the day, I did not get too many pictures. But, I know the grandparents did so hopefully I will get more.

But, her dedication was great. She was so sweet and looked precious.

Here are some shots we did get of Charlotte with her and her family.

Grandma and Poppy:


I have no idea why I have none of Grandma and PawPa, I must have taken some with their camera and need to get those. But, they were with us celebrating!

My Aunt Nita sent Charlotte some pearls from my grandmother. They were precious!

It was a very nice day and we were so happy that all of the grandparents could be with us to celebrate! Thank you all so much. And, I will get pictures of Dustin's parents because they were here with us!

Grandma and PawPa with Charlotte: