Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Potty Trained and a Big Boy Bed

Brady is completely potty trained. I am so proud of him. We still have to remind him to go, but he is getting better and better at just telling us that he needs to go. He loves the treats and all the praise he gets, especially from Jackson!

And, I am thrilled to not have two kids in diapers come June! Good job Brady!

Plus, I could juts eat him up in his little underwear!

Brady has also moved into a big boy bed in anticipation of his little sister's arrival. Here are the last pictures of Brady in his crib:

I need to get one of him in his new bed. He has no less than 40 animals in there with him.

Brady loves his big boy bed and has done amazing sleeping in it. He stays in his bed at night and nap time. We are so proud of Brady!