Saturday, April 2, 2011

Grandma Visits

Grandma Savino (MJ) came to town to visit everyone and help me with some sewing for the baby's nursery. Really, there was no help from me, she did all the sewing. Now, the baby's nursery is coming together and I getting very excited for this little girls arrival!

Grandma also got to spend some time with the boys.

Brady and Grandma:

Jackson and Grandma:

And one she got of the boys together in the swing:

Grandma got a couple other cute photos while she was here. It is a good thing she took out her camera, because I am pretty sure I never did!

Thanks so much for all of the help! We had a great time and can't wait to see you again soon!


mokru said...

Jackson looks so grown up! Your boys are really adorable and I can't wait to see photos of your baby girl when she arrives.
