Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Out of the Mouth of a Three Year Old

Here are some of the funny things Jackson has been saying the past few months.

J: "Daddy is a man, I love Daddy. I share my toys with him."

J: "Hey there's an ant crawling...hey you stop crawling."
a few minutes later, the ant was still crawling
"the ant is not listening to me."

When Brady was rubbing food in his hair:
J: "Brady, food goes in your boca not in your cabeza"

Kristy is pregnant and he always talks about it.
J: "Ryan, do you have a baby in your tummy?"
R: "No"
J: "Oh, just mommies and Kristy's have babies in their tummies."

J: "mommy I have a baby in my tummy...he's kicking, do you want to feel him?

He loves the sing the Banana Fana song and asks you to do it for everyone. He will sing along as well.

When Kristy (his nanny) took him to the bathroom at the zoo and then she needed to go. Jackson says: "oh Kristy you have the most beautiful pink underwear."

When reprimanding Brady:
J: "mom you just worry about yourself, I will worry about Brady."

Dustin holding a bottle of Gatorade
J: "Daddy, whats that?"
D: "its medicine"
J: "are you sure that it is not juice?"
after taking a sip
J: "oh thats good juice"