Monday, September 13, 2010

Brady's First Day of School

Today was Brady's first day at Paddington. We are doing a class called Creative Explorations. Jackson and I did this class when he was Brady's age (and I was pregnant with Brady). I honestly cannot believe it is already time for Brady and I to take the class.

Brady had a great first day of school.

He immediately found all the animals (which is always what Jackson wanted to play with as well). He worked on puzzles with his teacher Ms. Nea:

(notice he would not let go of the polar bear...Brady loves bears)

Did some art work:

(still with the polar bear)

He played in the water table:

(he still has the polar bear, you just can't see it)

And then outside on the playground:

Then we came inside for circle time and Brady found a huge bear to play with. Seriously, he loves bears.

A great first day at Paddington (or as Jackson calls it "little boy school")