Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More Jackson Funnies

Here are some of Jackson's funny snippets lately:

me: "Jackson eat the entire cinnamon roll, not just the icing."
Jax: "I'm a frosting man"

Jackson spotting some sour patch kids on the counter:
"mommy, I would like to poop for those"
(see treats really do work!)

Upon seeing Junior Mints (I guess I have too much candy lying around!)
J: Mommy what are those?
M: Junior Mints, would you like to try one
J: Okay (very cautiously takes a bite) "oh, I love them!"

Upon dropping his tackle box all over the floor:
M: Jackson what just happened?
J: "oh mommy, it was just a accident- mommy just a accident"

often to Brady (since he fusses when I leave the room):
"its okay Brady, mommy will be back" or "don't worry Brady we are not leaving you"

To his nanny:
J: Kristy what is your last name
K: Its Kuenzi
J: Oh- just like chimpanzee

At the doctors office
Dr: Jackson what would you like to be when you grow up?
J: ummm (lots of thought) a hippo!

But, the best of all is when he looks at you and says out of no where.."I love you" or "can I have a kiss and a hug"