Saturday, May 22, 2010

Silly Boy

Just helping dad with some lawn maintenance.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Brady's First Injury

Brady suffered what I am sure is his first of many injuries. He was impatient and trying to get around Jackson and I on the outside steps and he ended tumbling down the steps. Poor baby!

It was scarier watching than the actual injury- which was just a scrape by his eye...thank goodness!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Block Party

We had a block party this afternoon. It was a beautiful day and the kids had such a great time.

Jackson and Jack playing with a hula hoop:

Brady enjoying the watermelon:

And Jackson trying out the pogo stick:

A good time was had by all!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I think Jackson is a fan of donuts:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Look Who's Walking...

These are not his very first steps- but they are the first time we caught him walking longer distances on his own!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Photo Shoot

We had a photo shoot with a new photographer in Denver. We went to the Platte River near Confluence Park and got some great pictures. Here are a few cute ones:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Fire Station Birthday Party

We had Jackson's birthday party at the Stapleton Fire Station. It was great.

We got to take a tour of the firehouse- which I think was more enjoyable for the parents. Then the kids got to the fun part...the fire trucks and the fire hose. The firefighters set up the fire hose and let the kids shoot water to knock down cones.

Jackson takes a turn:

They also got to climb through the fire truck:

Most of the kiddos there:

Then we headed back to our house for lunch and cake:

(Turns out Jackson really wanted a "Cars" cake, so Dustin got him a small "Lightning McQueen" to add to the fire truck cake)

Jackson making his wish:

The day was a success...we all had a great time. Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More Jackson Funnies

Here are some of Jackson's funny snippets lately:

me: "Jackson eat the entire cinnamon roll, not just the icing."
Jax: "I'm a frosting man"

Jackson spotting some sour patch kids on the counter:
"mommy, I would like to poop for those"
(see treats really do work!)

Upon seeing Junior Mints (I guess I have too much candy lying around!)
J: Mommy what are those?
M: Junior Mints, would you like to try one
J: Okay (very cautiously takes a bite) "oh, I love them!"

Upon dropping his tackle box all over the floor:
M: Jackson what just happened?
J: "oh mommy, it was just a accident- mommy just a accident"

often to Brady (since he fusses when I leave the room):
"its okay Brady, mommy will be back" or "don't worry Brady we are not leaving you"

To his nanny:
J: Kristy what is your last name
K: Its Kuenzi
J: Oh- just like chimpanzee

At the doctors office
Dr: Jackson what would you like to be when you grow up?
J: ummm (lots of thought) a hippo!

But, the best of all is when he looks at you and says out of no where.."I love you" or "can I have a kiss and a hug"

Monday, May 3, 2010

Jackson is Three

Happy Birthday Jackson! I cannot believe that you are three years old already, you are growing into such a sweet little man.

You are sweet and smart and full of life and just a joy to be around (98% of the time!) You are still extremely active and physical. You are 100% boy and love to play in dirt and water and very much enjoy looking for bugs. It is very common these days to hear "oh look mommy a rolly polly (or ant, or any other bug you happen to find)"

You love your little brother so much and are sweet to him almost all the time. You love to go wake him up in the morning, climb into his crib and read him books to help him wake up! We are still working on sharing your toys with him, but you get better all the time. You love to make him laugh and Brady always laughs with you. You two are so sweet together.

You are completely and fully potty trained. You actually potty trained before two, but you have not worn a diaper at all in the last two months. You go all night then wake up in the morning and use the potty all by yourself! It is so great. You were so easy to to potty train!

You talk all the time, non stop. You are like a running commentary! And, of course you say the funniest things every day. The other day you asked Kristy her last name. When she said Kuenzi you thought about it and said "oh like chimpanzee?" Daddy always leaves for work before you are up in the morning. One Saturday you walked into our room and saw Daddy was still home and said "oh look daddy is here" That made you so happy! You also love to gesture when you talk...your daddy and I think it is the Italian in you! You make grand gestures with your hands every time you want to make a point!

You still love to read books and will read them all day. You will read anything, but love Dr. Suess and books about animals and dinosaurs. You also love t.v. and movies as well. Your favorites right now are "The Princess and the Frog" (for a brief time you wanted to be a waitress), "Ice Age" and of course "Finding Nemo."

All you wanted for your birthday was a clown cake. Your wish (and I hope it is always this simple) was easy to grant:

We had a fun family celebration (with Kristy) on your actual birthday. Later, we had a party at the local fire station. But, we enjoyed the day!

You are the sweetest little boy. Daddy and I are lucky to be your parents. I am excited to see what this next year will bring. We love you with all our hearts!