Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Santa Train

We went down to Colorado Springs to ride the Santa train along with some friends. This is the old cog train that takes you up to Pike Peak.

Jackson getting ready to board:

This time of year they host the Santa train where Santa, Ms. Claus and plenty of elves ride the train halfway up the mountain where you get out and eat cookies, drink hot chocolate and visit with Santa.

Meeting Santa- unfortunately (or fortunately), Brady fell asleep right before we met Santa!

Jackson explaining all the trains he wanted Santa to bring: Duck and Toby and Skarloey (all the Thomas trains he could think of!)

Dustin tried to get a picture of Jackson and his friend Anna, but suprisingly, neither wanted to cooperate!

Then, we just hung out and played until we were ready to board and head back down. Jackson really enjoyed playing in the snow!

We had such a good time, this may just be a new Christmas tradition!!


mokru said...

I have to say your posts make me jealous sometimes...looks like you guys have tons of fun things to do up there with the kids..AND you get real snow!