Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

This Christmas we were headed to Texas on Christmas morning, so we opened most of our presents on Christmas Eve. Santa still came that night- but most was opened early. Jackson really enjoyed Christmas this year- he understood most of what was going on and was excited about his gifts! Brady was just content with all that was going on around him!

Jackson opened so many gifts from everyone. Thanks everyone for making Christmas so special for the boys!!

Jackson loved his Handy Manny truck from Uncle Carlo and Aunt Carolyn:

And of course all of the trains he received. This is Toby from Grandma and Poppy and Diesel from Uncle Brandon:

Brady enjoying his giraffe from Grandma and Poppy:

Brady loved his balls from Grandma and PawPaw:

Jackson loved his farm animals:

But, the hit of the night for Jackson were all of his Thomas trains.

After Christmas when we were in Houston Jackson looked at me and said "when we go home Santa can being me more trains!" I had to explain that Santa was done for the year!!

Jackson and Brady both enjoyed Brady's new rocking horse:

All in all a really wonderful Christmas!