Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jackson Stories Part II

September 2, 2009: We started a PDO program one day a week with Jackson. We were playing on the playground and there was an old school gray metal trash can- Jackson walked up and lifted the top:

me: thats yucky jackson- don't touch trash
jackson: i'm looking for oscar the grouch!

September 5, 2009- My mom was in town visiting-

grancy: jackson are you a big boy
jackson: (after thinking for a second) i'm a child

Jackson still wears a diaper at night. One morning I was changing his diaper:
me: jackson poopoo is disgusting- it needs to go in the potty
jackson: no- poopoo is a little bit funny.

jackson walking around with a pair of binoculars on his chest-
me: jackson what are you doing
jackson: making milk for brady
(hmm- maybe should stop pumping in front of him!)

Proof that Jackson listens to us even though he does not always act that way:

talking to Daddy: "don't throw clothes daddy, only throw balls"
talking to Reagan (14 month old) who was yelling in the car: "we yell outside Reagan, not inside"
using the bathroom: "don't peepee on the seat and don't make a mess"

whenever Brady fusses Jackson will bring him a toy and say' "its okay Brady- don't cry" and hand him the toy.

the other day he was pushing around his grcoery cart with a stuffed elephant inside and he was saying over and over again: "i'm walking him back to sleep" (just like we used to do when Brady was little!)

And now the little man has gotten smart- every time he ha to go to timeout on the stairs after about 30 seconds of sitting there he ALWAYS says: "um, mommy, I need to go peepee"

playing with the phone:
me: jackson who are you talking to?
Jackson: Poppy (Grandpa Savino)
me: oh what is he doing?
Jackson: he's eating pasta