Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy 7 Months, Brady

Brady is already 7 months old...this year is flying by! You are still the sweetest little guy.

You continue to grow and do more each month. You now grab everything, I mean everything, around you. Then, immediately put whatever object you have found in your mouth. You can transfer objects from hand to hand. You have 4 milk feedings a day and eat two meals a day and love all of your vegetables (you and Jackson certainly did not get that from mommy!), but don't love the fruit yet! You also love puffs and continue to get better grabbing the puffs and getting them to your mouth. Maybe we should try more finger foods!

You still only have your bottom two teeth, but by some of your behavior recently I suspect more teeth will make an appearance soon! Still no crawling, but I bet it is not too far off.

We just moved you to two naps a day so you would take one at the same time as Jackson. This is great! You still take anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hour naps. And still sleep great at night, generally waking between 7:30-8:00 each morning. We are also trying to wean you from your acid reflux medicine, which is going pretty well s far.

Your Loves:
your brother- Jackson makes you smile and laugh and if he leaves the room it makes you cry. I can't wait to watch your relationship grow! Jackson also takes good care of you. When you cry, he always says "its okay Brady" and then proceeds to look for a toy to shove in your mouth. In his own way, he is trying to take care of you!
Mommy and Daddy: You definitely know who we are and prefer to be with one of us. Although right now you are a true momma's boy and crane your neck if you hear my voice and fuss until I come get you!
Food: you are eating 2 meals a day, breakfast and dinner. You love oatmeal and every vegetable we have given you so far. You have had peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots. Fruit is another story, but we are working on that.
Soft Toys or Blankets: you love to chew on soft toys or blankets. You like these more than rattles and other hard toys.

Your Hates:
Being left alone: you hate being alone and fuss if you are alone in a room, until someone comes back and joins you.
Fruit: For some crazy reason you are not a fan of fruit. You are beginning to like apples more, but cannot stand pears and only tolerate peaches. Hopefully, this changes soon!

You are our sweet little snuggle bug and we are so thankful you are ours! We love you!