Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Six Months Brady!

The little man is already six months old!

Weight: 17lb, 5 oz. (50%)
Height: 26 in. (40%
Head: 80%

(He and Jackson are tracking just about the same except Brady has a bigger head!)

Things going on in the last month:

Well, you are still the happiest little guy. And you still adore your big brother! You still eat 5 times a day and now enjoy some oatmeal in the mornings! We will drop one feeding soon and start you on dinner!

You still sleep like a champ and nap well also. You still take 3 naps a day, but will be moving to two soon, so you will nap at the same time as Jackson! You have your two bottom teeth. You fussed for about 3 days and then one tooth popped through. Then about two weeks later I noticed the other one was there as well!

You have now proved to mommy and daddy that you can roll. Sometimes you roll and sometimes you just hang out on your belly! If you don't roll in the first 30 seconds you probably won't roll. Now on your belly you move around in a circle. If you are on your back you scoot- you are on the move and can now move to different rooms. Mommy misses the days when she could just set you down in one place!

You sit well on your own. And grab at anything near you and immediately put whatever object you found in your mouth. This will not be cool in the winter when germs are everywhere.

You are also experimenting with your voice a lot. You coo and talk (and yell) more and more. You make funny faces and have started sort of blowing raspberries! And you of course still love to laugh and smile. It just melts mommy's heart when you smile! Oh, and daddy found your ticklish spot. Too cute!

The time is moving too quickly for me, but we are all enjoying every moment. We love you little man!!