Sunday, August 30, 2009

Funny Jackson Stories

I am using this blog to help document the boys as they get older. Lately, Jackson has been saying and doing some of the funniest things:

- he watches Elmo "Tales of Adventure" with Elmo and Texas Tele where Texas Tele finds the golden triangle of destiny. Jackson plays a game all by himself where he looks all over the house and the proudly proclaims, "I found it!" "the golden triangle of destiny" (although it sounds like golden triangle of sesame when he says it.) He did before his nap one day in his room and over the monitor you could hear him saying "I found it....the golden triangle of sesame" over and over again.

-the other day Erica took the boys to the airport to pick up her dad. When her dad got in the car- without any prompting- Jackson looked at him and said "I'm Jackson and I'm 2"

---as a sidenote, now if you ask Jackson how old he is (or ask "how are you") he says "i'm five"

-one morning as I was leaving I had this conversation with Jackson:

me: will you be a good boy today for Erica?
Jackson: no
me: okay then you should just be a stinker
jackson: no, I be jackson.

well said, my little man!

- playing on the playground and Jackson climbing up a chain ladder and then jumping down:
me: goodness child
jackson: (looks up smiling) "i'm making mommy nervous"

-getting jackson up from his nap he looks at dustin and put his finger to his nose and said "shhh- daddy- brady is sleeping"

thats right kiddo, I am glad you are finally listening!


mokru said...

those are hilarious stories...i love the things that kids this age say...they never cease to amaze me.

Gabe said...

very funny. i've actually started writing down the things sawyer says too. my fave is 'daddy, your teeth are pretty. i love yellow' ha ha ha. don't tell LT :)

Monica said...

Gabe, that cracked me up!!!