Sunday, August 30, 2009

Funny Jackson Stories

I am using this blog to help document the boys as they get older. Lately, Jackson has been saying and doing some of the funniest things:

- he watches Elmo "Tales of Adventure" with Elmo and Texas Tele where Texas Tele finds the golden triangle of destiny. Jackson plays a game all by himself where he looks all over the house and the proudly proclaims, "I found it!" "the golden triangle of destiny" (although it sounds like golden triangle of sesame when he says it.) He did before his nap one day in his room and over the monitor you could hear him saying "I found it....the golden triangle of sesame" over and over again.

-the other day Erica took the boys to the airport to pick up her dad. When her dad got in the car- without any prompting- Jackson looked at him and said "I'm Jackson and I'm 2"

---as a sidenote, now if you ask Jackson how old he is (or ask "how are you") he says "i'm five"

-one morning as I was leaving I had this conversation with Jackson:

me: will you be a good boy today for Erica?
Jackson: no
me: okay then you should just be a stinker
jackson: no, I be jackson.

well said, my little man!

- playing on the playground and Jackson climbing up a chain ladder and then jumping down:
me: goodness child
jackson: (looks up smiling) "i'm making mommy nervous"

-getting jackson up from his nap he looks at dustin and put his finger to his nose and said "shhh- daddy- brady is sleeping"

thats right kiddo, I am glad you are finally listening!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Summer Concert

Our neighborhood has a summer concert series. For some unexplained reason, Dustin and I missed every concert until tonight. And, this was the last concert of the summer. We will definitely have to attend more of these next year.

But, we did enjoy the evening.

Jackson danced:

Brady ate toys and smiled:

Jackson snacked:

Brady and Daddy enjoyed a beer (okay so just Daddy enjoyed beer):

Jackson relaxed:

We all enjoyed the beautiful weather and good music.


What happens when you sit Brady on the counter while cooking and then turn your back....

I guess its a good thing he reached for the paper towels instead of the knives. I really cannot turn my back on the this one!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cool Clothes

My friend, Megan, just started making really cute clothes for kiddos. So, I had her make some shirts for the boys. They turned out so cute:

Check out her blog- she has some really great stuff! Thanks Megan for the cute clothes. I can't wait to get the shirts and dress up my boys!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Six Months Brady!

The little man is already six months old!

Weight: 17lb, 5 oz. (50%)
Height: 26 in. (40%
Head: 80%

(He and Jackson are tracking just about the same except Brady has a bigger head!)

Things going on in the last month:

Well, you are still the happiest little guy. And you still adore your big brother! You still eat 5 times a day and now enjoy some oatmeal in the mornings! We will drop one feeding soon and start you on dinner!

You still sleep like a champ and nap well also. You still take 3 naps a day, but will be moving to two soon, so you will nap at the same time as Jackson! You have your two bottom teeth. You fussed for about 3 days and then one tooth popped through. Then about two weeks later I noticed the other one was there as well!

You have now proved to mommy and daddy that you can roll. Sometimes you roll and sometimes you just hang out on your belly! If you don't roll in the first 30 seconds you probably won't roll. Now on your belly you move around in a circle. If you are on your back you scoot- you are on the move and can now move to different rooms. Mommy misses the days when she could just set you down in one place!

You sit well on your own. And grab at anything near you and immediately put whatever object you found in your mouth. This will not be cool in the winter when germs are everywhere.

You are also experimenting with your voice a lot. You coo and talk (and yell) more and more. You make funny faces and have started sort of blowing raspberries! And you of course still love to laugh and smile. It just melts mommy's heart when you smile! Oh, and daddy found your ticklish spot. Too cute!

The time is moving too quickly for me, but we are all enjoying every moment. We love you little man!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Good Luck Erica!

Erica, Jackson and Brady's nanny, left us to go to graduate school. We are bummed but wish her the best of luck! Jackson loved Erica- she was a fantastic nanny and the boys will miss her. I tried to get a couple of pictures of her and the boys, but Jackson was not in the mood. This was the best we could do.

And some cute ones of the little man:

Good luck Erica, don't forget about us!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

High Chair Fun

Once we got home, we dug out Jackson's old high chair and scrubbed it down. I think Brady likes it:

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bumper Boats

After naps, we headed to Copper Village where they were having a summer concert. Jackson enjoyed the live music and danced to some great music (I didn't get any pictures since I was feeding Brady).

Jackson and Dustin also went for a spin on the bumper boats. Jackson had a great time until he got soaked during a water gun fight with some other boats! It was all fun and games until he was wet and freezing (I think it was only about 65 degrees!) The rest of the day Jackson kept saying "big bumps" and "squirt 'em" I think he enjoyed the experience.

Alpine Slide

While on our mountain getaway we decided to go to Breckenridge and try out the alpine slide. Jackson had so much fun! He loved going fast. I only went down with him once and the whole time he yelled "faster mommy, faster." The child has no fear.

Taking it easy on his ride with mommy:

Then he got to ride with daddy- which he really enjoyed!!

On the chairlift on the way up:

Some self portraits on the way down:

Safely at the bottom:

The kid loves speed...I think I will have a heart attack before he leaves for college!

First Bites

Brady had his first taste of solid food this morning. We went to Copper mountain for a family getaway, so he had to eat in his Bumbo. Here is he tasting food for the first time:

Not so sure what to think about it:

We are still working on the whole eating concept. He is getting better everyday!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Firefighter Museum

Jackson and I went with our Paddington playgroup to the Denver firefighter museum. A good time was had by all.

Such a cute firefighter:

Jackson was not into wearing the fireman hat, but he loved driving the truck:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dinosaur Book

Jackson's Great Aunt Nita sent him a package with tons of new books- which he adores. Here he is reading his new book about dinosaurs. It is now one of his favorites. He is having so much fun learning all the different dinosaur names! Thanks Aunt Nita and Uncle Paul- what a great gift!

Exersaucer Fun

Hanging out and having fun....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer Fun!

Jackson and Daddy had some fun on the slip-n-slide this afternoon...

while Brady sat and watched:

and Jackson told him all about it. Telling him how much fun they will have next summer when Brady can join in!

Just another fun summer day!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Yard Work

With the cooler weather, we have been spending our days outside. Today, Jackson and Daddy decided to do some yard work. Jackson does this on his own- he really loves doing whatever Daddy is doing!

Dustin asked Jackson to help him rake and Jackson went and to get his gloves and his rake to help. Pretty cute!