Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy 3 Months, Brady!!

Where has the time gone?? Brady is now three months old! He is getting so big, so quickly. On a sad note, that means it is time for me to head back to work soon which is a bummer!

14 pounds, 4 oz.
23.5 inches long

You continue to be a very sweet baby. You smile a lot and have started laughing. Your giggles are the sweetest sound! You laugh the most for Daddy and smile every time you see your Daddy. You have also started smiling at Jackson, especially when Jackson acts silly for you. I think you are starting to love your big brother. You continue to be a great sleeper and sleep in most mornings until 7:30 or 8:00.

You continue to love your bouncy chair and have been tolerating the swing a little more. You also continue to love staring at your mobile- pooh and friends make you smile. You love bath time and relax every time you get a bath. You love attention and when people talk to you. You always coo and talk back. If you are ignored for too long you may fuss! You have been so easy going, it makes it easy to get out of the house since your brother needs to get out sometimes! You make our lives brighter and we all love you!!