Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy 2 Years, Jackson!!

Wow- where to even begin. You are now two years old and have been so much fun over the last year. What a great age! Every day seems to bring something new. It has been so much fun watching you learn and discover new things. You are like a sponge. You are talking so much more and you say the funniest things. Just the other day after Brady sneezed in the car you looked over at him and "bless you, Brady". So polite. Or when you are looking for a toy you will say, "[toy], where are you?" You are learning how to get what you want and are getting better at consistently saying "please."

You love to be outside, playing in dirt and water, and watching bugs with such amazement. You continue to love all trucks, but the fire truck and trash truck continue to be your favorites, and anything in a construction zone. Your smile is so wonderful and your laugh is contagious. You love to entertain and will repeat something over and over just to make us laugh!

You continue to be on the move most of the time. But, still enjoy reading books and now like watching movies (even if you only sit still for the first 20 minutes). Your favorites right now are Nemo and Madagascar 2. You continue to be a sweet boy. You hate if others are hurt and always offer hugs to make them feel better. You continue to love your little brother and never go to sleep or leave without hugging and kissing Brady!

We have all enjoyed every minute of this past year. Oh and we shouldn't forget to mention that you are now potty trained---YAY!

28 pounds (50%)
34 inches (50%)
Head (75%)

We look forward to the next year and all the fun that it brings. Here are some pictures of you from the last year. Happy birthday, my beautiful baby boy- we love you!