Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy 10 Months, Charlotte

Wow- 10 months old. It is hard to believe that my baby is about to be a year old!

9 month stats:
Weight: 20lb, 4oz. (75%)
Height: 26.75" (25%)
Head: 18 cm (80%)


My sweet baby girl. You are getting close to a year old and I honestly have no idea where the time has gone! You are still a very sweet, laid back baby. However, you are very willful and know what you want. You nod yes and no and expect us to abide by your decision. This happens a lot during meal time. You get very irritated when I try to force veggies that you have already told me you do not want to eat!

You are a good eater and eat almost everything we put in front of you. You love bagels, pancakes, muffins...basically any carb. You also love yogurt, most fruits, turkey, cheese, sweet potatoes, applesauce, and black beans. You love to drink water from a sippy cup and enjoy water with your meals.

You take three bottles a day and take two naps a day. You still sleep great at night, generally waking between 6:30 and 7:00. Sometimes I hear you talking around 10:30 p.m. It is so cute because you just talk to yourself and then go right back to sleep.

You still do not crawl, but you get around very well scooting on your bottom. You can move all over the house. I now find you in so many funny places. You love to play with the magnets on the fridge and of course, you love the dog bowls. You do roll from your back to belly more as well, but don't really like being on your belly. You still prefer to sleep on your back. You also stand more and are getting stronger and stronger. You do not lean as much as you used to and can now put more weight on your legs. You are also experimenting with pulling yourself up- but have been unsuccessful so far!

You are a very social little girl and love to be around people. However, you prefer to be in mommy's arms and not with others. You are not doing so great in the church nursery- you would just prefer to be with us. However, you love Megan, your nanny, and get big smiles every time you see her.

You love playing peek-a-boo and laugh every time we play. You also LOVE music and dancing. Any time music comes on you shake your little body.

You love "dance party" with your brothers and love to dance and spin around! You adore your brothers and they are very good at making you smile. Jackson loves to pick you up and move you around so we have to watch very carefully to make sure you are okay!

Charlotte, you were the perfect addition to our family and I thank God everyday for you. We all love you so very much. I cannot wait to watch as you grow and develop into a little girl!


mokru said...

Charlotte is seriously so adorable...I just love her little cheeks.