Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wimberley, TX-UPDATED

Our next stop was a visit to the hill country to see Grandma and Poppy..and uncles as well. My parents rented this great house by a stream. The boys had so much fun looking for frogs...

We also went to the river to play. Jackson actually jumped in and swam...even against the current, at times!
Brady stayed right next to Poppy most of the time!
Charlotte was there too:
Uncle Carlo and Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Josh and his girlfriend, Tiziana came to see us and we actually got a family photo:
Aunt Carolyn and Charlotte:
Uncle Carlo and Charlotte:
Tiziana and Charlotte:
Uncle Josh and Jackson playing in the pool:
Jackson jumping off and "flying" into the pool. This boy has zero fear:
Silly boys:
We also got to visit with Aunt Nita and Uncle Paul. Here they are with Charlotte:
We ventured out to Wonder World where they have animals and we went through a cave. I did not get many pictures, but here is Jackson feeding an animal:
And, a couple inside the caves:
More family pictures:
We had such a great time! Thanks Grandma and Poppy for everything! Next stop, the beach!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Sea World

We decided to take a vacation to Texas. First stop was Sea World, San Antonio. Grandma and PawPa Aldridge met us there and Poppy joined for a day as well. The boys had such a great time. There were great shows, fun rides, and tons of animals to see. Charlotte was a trooper the whole time and really enjoyed the trip as well. Getting ready to go in:

Early on, Jackson and Brady found the Shamu roller coaster- it was a BIG hit!
There was a fun sea lion/walrus show that everyone loved. At the beginning the character came to us and sang to Dustin's mom. It was great. Charlotte also loved the show and clapped and danced the whole time.
Next up, Shamu Show. This show was great and the kids enjoyed as well. At one point, PawPa was hot and wanted to get wet so he drug Brady closer so they could get splashed by Shamu. Brady was not happy at all. He cried and talked about how mad he was at Shamu for splashing him. He talked about this even after we got home!
There was also a carousel that the boys enjoyed.
Dustin's friend, Chad, lives in San Antonio so we got to spend some time with them as well. They also joined for a day at Sea World, with their son Carter. Here are the kids enjoying the penguin exhibit:
PawPa and Charlotte also enjoyed the penguins:
Day 2 of Sea World. The next day, Poppy joined us for some fun before we headed to the next destination. We got to feed the dolphins:
Sweet Charlotte:
And, we saw another show, Azul, with manatees and white-sided dolphins. It was also great.
Grandparents and their only granddaughter.
We really had such a great time at Sea World. Thanks so much to the Aldridges for spending it with us, and thanks for Poppy for driving down for a day (even though there are no photos of him...sorry!) But, no rest for the weary- next stop, Wimberley to hang out with Poppy and Grandma Savino....