Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy 8 Months, Charlotte!

I completely forgot to get her 7 month photos and did not do an update. So, we will just say she had a great month-like always!!


You are now 8 months old! I can't believe you have only been with this family for that long and at the same time I cannot picture this family without you!

You are still the sweetest, happiest little girl! You can sit up all by yourself, and have really been doing that since you were 6 months old. You also now have two teeth! You got your first tooth about two weeks ago, and your second is coming through now!

You are down to two naps a day. You are still a great night sleeper as well. You go down early, around 6:30 and then sleep from until about 7:00! You love to lay in your crib and talk and play with your bear. When we come in a peak over your crib you give us the biggest smiles! It might be one of my favorite times of the day!

You still have four liquid feedings, and now have mostly formula. I nurse you at night, but we are weaning off of that as well. You also eat three solid meals a day. You are a good eater...except at dinner. You have had enough of the day at that point! You love sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peaches, blueberries, apples and pears! You are not a big fan of green beans and peas...but who is! We will keep trying new things.

You love your brothers and they love you. You are the happiest in mommy's arms, but will go to anyone that will talk to you and smile at you! You have the sweetest little laugh and we all work hard to make you use it!

You also love your bath time and love to play in the tub! You love your toys, especially a stackable toy that sings. And you are starting to lunge to get to the toy you want. You also play with many non-traditional baby toys, such as snakes and elephants. But, that is what happens when you have older brothers!

You are not crawling yet, but probably will be soon. Mommy like s that you are stationary and will enjoy it for the time being! You are already growing too fast!

You are such a doll and we are all so blessed that you are ours! We love you to the moon and back!


mokru said...

Such a beautiful little girl...i am in love with her cute round cheeks! Been awhile since I stopped by your blog and great to see all the updates of the kiddos. Oh and PS I love the new header.
