Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy 6 Months, Charlotte!

Half a year old already. I know I say it every month, but wow, the time just keeps flying!

15 lbs, 10 oz (45%)
25 in. (25%)
Head: (65%)


You are the sweetest, happiest, most wonderful little girl anyone could hope for!

You still take three naps a day, and nurse 5 times a day. Just a couple of days ago, we started supplementing some with formula and you took it with no issues. The same time, we started giving you some oatmeal in the mornings. You have improved so much over the week and now eat just about all of the oatmeal we serve, rather than spitting it all out. Tonight, we were at a friend's party and we gave you a plain cracker and you sucked on it and ate it. I think you want to eat solids already!

You still smile and talk all the time. You rarely cry and when you do it is because we are putting you down for a nap and you want to stay and be part of the action! You also talk all the time and I love our little "conversations." You are very expressive!

You love when people are paying attention to you. You especially love Jackson and Brady. They can both entertain you and give mommy and extra few minutes to get things done. They are both working on being gentle with you and giving you space when you need it. But, you have certainly adapted well to living in a chaotic house!

You have started sitting up more and more. You can sit up by yourself for about 15 seconds before tumbling over. But, you are enjoying the new perspective on life! You also love your exersaucer and enjoy being in there.

You are still pretty much a momma's girl and I am loving every minute of it! I know this will one day change and I tend to savor all the little moments with you. You truly are such a blessing and we are so happy to have you in our lives. We love you little Charlotte beans!