Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy 4 Months, Charlotte!

Happy 4 months, are getting so big!

Weight: 13 lbs. (30%)
Height: 24 1/4 in. (50%)
Head: 60%

This last month you have had some transitions. You are no longer swaddled and you dropped one of your naps. Now, you are only taking 3 naps a day and eating 5 times a day. You still sleep through the night and go to sleep about 7pm and wake up about 7am. There are times when you wake up in the middle of the night and talk or fuss, but you go back to sleep! You dropped your 10pm dream feed at about 14 weeks!

You are starting to get a little personality. You smile ALL.THE.TIME! You also giggle, which is the sweetest sound! You also "talk" and I just love your squeals and coos. I can't wait to really hear your voice.

You always have smiles for Jackson and love when he plays with you. You love Brady as well, but Brady mostly just sits on you or pokes you. He is still figuring out how to be gentle! He did join you for your photoshoot today and y'all were so cute!

You went to the doctor and handled your shots very well. There were some tears, but you recovered very quickly! You still have not rolled over, but Dr. Noah said that was fine. You do reach for objects and are beginning to out toys in your mouth and are right on track with everything else!

You are such a joy and I can't imagine our family without you. We all just adore you, little love.