Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy 3 Months, Charlotte


You are now 3 months old. My how the time flies.

You are still such a great baby. You are now out of the bassinet in your room and into your crib! Yay! You still sleep great. We put you down around 7:30 and then I feed you around 10:30 before I got to bed and you sleep until 7am. Mommy loves this. You also eat great and eat 6 times a day.

You have started giggling some and it is the best sound in the world! You also have a greater attention span and really enjoy laying on your playmat looking at your toys. You still love your bouncy chair and your swing.

You are such an easy baby with a great disposition and a true joy to be around. Your brothers both adore you and are always giving you kisses. They love to climb in your crib after you nap and hang out with you while you wake up.

We all love you so much and can't wait to see what next month brings!