Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy 2 Months, Charlotte

Charlotte is now two months old and is doing great!

Weight: 10lb, 1oz (30%)
Height: 22 in
Head: 50%

Charlotte had her two month appointment where she got 3 shots. She did so great. The first shot did not really even bother her, but by the second she was so angry she was as red as a tomato. But, the crying lasted less than a minute and she was back to her sweet self!

Charlotte continues to be such a wonderful baby. She smiles all the time, the sweetest smile, and loves to coo and talk with anyone that will pay attention. Charlotte still eats between 6 and 7 times a day and naps in every three hour cycle. She naps great and can fall asleep on her own with minimal fussing. Dustin gives her one bottle a day around 7:00 so he can spend a little time with her.

She is also sleeping great at night. I generally feed her around 10:00 or 10:30 and then she sleeps until 6:00 or 6:30. It is great!

Charlotte likes to hang out in her bouncy chair, the swing and on her playmat. She generally lays on the floor and takes in the chaos going on around her. A couple of days ago Jackson had a dance party while she played on her activity mat and I had finger puppets dance for her. She had the best time!

Jackson and Brady continue to adore their sister. But, Jackson especially adores her at this point. He is constantly kissing her and checking on her to make sure she is always okay. Brady loves her as well, but is just more interested in other things!

Charlotte is such a wonderful little ladybug that completes our little family of five. We all adore her and can't wait to see how she changes in the months ahead!