Thursday, July 21, 2011

6 Weeks

Charlotte is six weeks old- the time seems to be flying by. I just wanted to make a record of how she is doing right now.

Weight: 9lb, 5oz.
Size 1 diaper

Charlotte still eats seven times a day. I only have to get up once during the night and the last couple of nights she has slept from her 10:00 dream feed until between 5:00 and 6:00- which is great!

She sleeps really well during the day and night. She naps in every 3 hour cycle.

During her awake time, Charlotte has become much more alert. She is finding her voice and coos, which I love. She also smiles. I am not sure when her first smile was, her Grancy swears she was smiling at 4 weeks! But, now she will purposefully smile.

She enjoyed her bath last night and smiled and cooed at her daddy the whole time.

She also still handles her brothers great and they still adore her- kissing her and loving on her all the time.

Charlotte is such a great baby and we all adore her. I can't wait to see how she continues to grow and show her personality!