Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy 4 Years, Jackson

Dear Jackson,

My first born. I can't believe you are now four years old. I just can't believe that it has been four years since your daddy and I laid eyes on you for the first time. That day changed our lives forever and it has been a wild ride ever since.

There are so many things I want to remember about you at this age. You are a sponge. You are inquisitive and always yearning to learn more, especially about animals. Your favorite books are encyclopedias and we read them all the time. You especially love ocean animals and dinosaurs!

You are very smart. If you hear something once you will remember it forever. You know almost every dinosaur that ever lived and plenty of facts about each of them and plenty of other animals as well. You are learning how to read and know all the sounds that letters make. You are also starting to do math- by practicing adding and subtracting.

You finished preschool this year and you had a great year. You learned a ton, made some friends, and enjoyed your teachers. You are talking about moving into Junior Kindergarten next year!

You are also very strong willed and like to test boundaries frequently. But, I think you come by this trait honestly, if all the stories I hear about my childhood are accurate. You are also quite the negotiator and will attempt to negotiate anything- even something you don't care that much about.

You are a wonderful big brother...most of the time. You love Brady very much and are always introducing him to all of your friends at school and anyone else we may meet. Hopefully you will be a great big brother to your little sister when she arrives in June!

You love to play on the I-touch and are really good at it. You also still enjoy puzzles and can put together 25-46 piece puzzles really well. You love to ride your bike and have gotten pretty confident and fast on it. Maybe we can take the training wheels off soon. You are still a water baby and love to swim. The pool opens soon and hopefully you will be able to really learn how to swim this summer. You are adventurous and fearless and always making your mommy very nervous- but your daddy loves it!

You still do not like to sit still for long periods of time. We need to work on coloring and arts and crafts projects and on writing. But, I am confident those will come soon.

Jackson, you are an overall delight and joy. Thank you, Jackson, for four of the most exciting, love-flooded years of my life.

We love you,
Mommy, Daddy & Brady