Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

The kids all had a wonderful Christmas. Grandma and PawPa Aldridge and Uncle Brandon came to visit. And, Uncle Stacy and Aunt Norah celebrated with us as well.

Grandma and PawPa munched on Charlotte:

We took the kids to Zoo Lights and swimming and just played with all of their new stuff. They all opened tons of presents from everyone...and everyone was so generous! Thanks to the whole family, all the grandparent, aunts and uncles, great aunts and great uncles and cousins.

Santa brought the boys some animals, Charlotte some toys and a trampoline for everyone.

And, a couple of Grandparent shots:

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Right before Christmas, we got a pretty big snow storm. As always, the boys wanted to be in the snow. So, Daddy took them sledding.

They had fun. Jackson ate snow. And, Brady even went down the sledding hill alone.

Monday, December 19, 2011

North Pole Breakfast

I saw this idea somewhere else, but thought it was cute. So, I decided to give the boys a North Pole breakfast of snowballs (powdered donuts) and Santa hats (strawberries with whip cream on top). Not surprisingly, this breakfast was a big hit!

Nativity Scene

Jackson made this nativity scene at school. I really love homemade projects like this!

Baby Jesus was wrapped up and we are supposed to open him up on Christmas morning.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gingerbread Trains

The boys had fun decorating Gingerbread trains this year!

Brady working on his:

Jackson and Daddy working hard:

The finished products.


And, Jackson:

I think they ate as much candy as they decorated with!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Santa Train

As has become a holiday tradition, we headed to Pikes Peak for a ride on the Santa Train!

Getting ready to leave the station:

The Elf that rode with us:

Jackson loving on his sister:

The Elf Queen:

Meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus:

Santa was great. He talked to the kids for a long time about the meaning of Christmas and told Jackson that he needed to be more helpful to Mom and Dad...then he asked about what they wanted for Christmas, it was really cute.

Then, the kids got to explore the "North Pole" with their friends (while Charlotte slept):

They all had such a good time. Brady was in awe of Santa and he smiled the entire train ride there and back. They loved singing songs, having cookies, meeting Santa and the elves. And, as always, Jackson loved being in the snow. We go with the same group of friends every year...and love this family tradition!