Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Program

Jackson's school, St. James, had a Christmas program for the entire school. I was not sure what it was going to be like, but oh my goodness, the cuteness. It may be partially due to my pregnancy hormones, but I could not have been more proud of Jackson as he stood on stage and sang "Deck the Halls" and "Oh Christmas Tree."

I did not think he would really participate, but he sang loud and looked like he was having the best time. The lighting was terrible but I got a few shots:

Jackson is in the front row in the white sweater. We also got video that I will try and download.

After the program was over and we found Jackson he looked at me and said: "Mommy did you like it? Did you guys clap really loud for me?" He was so sweet and so proud. Dustin and I were so proud of our little boy!