Thursday, December 30, 2010

Just Relaxing!

The boys relaxing and watching a movie after all the holiday excitement!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning Continues

The boys had tons of presents under the tree to open.

The boys got tons of stuff from everyone and enjoyed opening with Aunt Norah, Uncle Stacy and Uncle Brandon! Jackson helped everyone open their presents as well.

Jackson and Aunt Norah:

Jackson and Grandma:

Jackson and Uncle Brandon:

Brady, just being cute:

Jackson got some cute rain boots from Grancy (Brady got a matching pair) and you can see Brady playing with his new race track from Uncle Carlo and Aunt Carolyn:

Uncle Carlo and Aunt Carolyn also got Brady a fireman dress up outfit, which Jackson got to first!

But, now Brady wears it all the time!

We all had such a wonderful Christmas. Thanks to everyone for making it so special and thank to the Aldridges for celebrating with us!

Christmas Morning- Santa Delivered

The Aldridges came to celebrate Christmas with us. The boys were very excited to celebrate with them!

On Christmas morning Jackson woke up early and wasted no time getting downstairs. In fact, he was in such a hurry that he did not even come wake Dustin and I up...which he always does!

Santa brought Jackson a train:

Thanks Grancy for getting him this train and letting Santa take most the credit. It helped us avoid a disaster!

Santa also brought Jackson Batman's cave.

The funny thing is when Jackson saw this he got upset and turned to Dustin and said: "but I didn't ask Santa for this." Jackson asked Santa juts for a train. Dustin had to explain that sometimes Santa brings extra surprises on Christmas morning. This made Jackson feel better and it turns out he loves the Batcave!

Dustin and I then had to go wake Brady up, since he would sleep all morning if we let him!

Brady went for the stocking first, which of course Jackson helped him empty!

And then he found his favorite gift of all:

Santa also brought Brady a balance bike and a mud pie making table for the summer. The boys had fun playing for a while. They still had all their presents under the tree but we tried to spread out opening time so they could enjoy gifts and not get too overwhelmed!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

We let the boys open two gift on Christmas Eve. Jackson chose two presents, one from his nanny, Megan, and one that Santa Claus left under the tree (by mistake!)

Megan got him a great book:

And Santa left some animals:

Jackson insisted on helping Brady open his two presents. Brady also got a great book from Megan:

And an Elmo movie from Kristy, his old nanny:

The boys enjoyed playing for a bit and then we prepared Santa's milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer. The boys were very excited for Santa's arrival...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zoo Lights 2010

Part of annual holiday tradition includes going to see the Zoo lights. The boys always love this. Thankfully, this year it was not too cold.

We went with a group of friends and everyone had a great time.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gingerbread Crafts

Christmas with little ones would not be complete with out assembling gingerbread crafts.

Brady went to a friend's birthday party this morning and created this gingerbread train:

Then, this afternoon, Brady and Jackson worked on their gingerbread sleighs.

Dustin getting Jackson's sleigh ready:

Jackson working hard to decorate his sleigh:

And then proudly posing with his beautiful sleigh:

Brady did not really get into decorating his sleigh, so I did most of it. Now, Jackson just wants to eat all the candy off of both sleighs and the gingerbread train!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Program

Jackson's school, St. James, had a Christmas program for the entire school. I was not sure what it was going to be like, but oh my goodness, the cuteness. It may be partially due to my pregnancy hormones, but I could not have been more proud of Jackson as he stood on stage and sang "Deck the Halls" and "Oh Christmas Tree."

I did not think he would really participate, but he sang loud and looked like he was having the best time. The lighting was terrible but I got a few shots:

Jackson is in the front row in the white sweater. We also got video that I will try and download.

After the program was over and we found Jackson he looked at me and said: "Mommy did you like it? Did you guys clap really loud for me?" He was so sweet and so proud. Dustin and I were so proud of our little boy!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Jammies

Grandma (MJ) also got the boys some fun Christmas pajamas.

The Christmas season is not complete without some holiday jammies:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Few More...

A few more fun shots before Grandma and Poppy had to head back to Texas.

Jackson posing for Grandma in his chair that he got from Poppy and Grandma a couple years ago:

Brady and Poppy watching a video and reading more books:

And a picture of the four of us:

Thanks for coming to visit and celebrate with us. We had such a great time! And, thanks Grandma for taking all the pictures this time!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Early Christmas

Because Grandam and Poppy were here, we wanted to celebrate Christmas with them. Jackson was so excited.

Grandma and Poppy got Brady a brand new chair:

Which he promptly relaxed in:

They got Jackson some moon dough...which he LOVES!

and posing with Grandma:

Brady got a big truck that holds a bunch of little cars, which he and Grandma had fun playing with:

The boys also got some books and puzzles and a really annoying dinosaur flashlight that makes noise. But, the best gift of all was a year membership to the Aquarium! The boys will get to enjoy this the entire year!! Thanks so much for all the great gifts!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Tree Craft

Grandma and I got some fun Christmas trees at the store for the boys to decorate.

They had a great time putting the "ornaments" on the tree:

And then maybe an even better time, decorating themselves: