Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Galeveston, Oh Galveston

Our next stop on the Texas road trip was Galveston where my mom, Grancy and Mr. Dan had a beach house for the week. It was the boys first trip to the beach and they had a blast. We were there Ocotber 19 through October 21.

Daddy and Brady checking out the beach from our balcony with Mr. Dan fishing in the distance:

Jackson getting his feet in the ocean for the first time...that he will be able to remember:

Jackson loved the ocean. He ran out right away and never looked back:

Brady was slightly more tentative, preferring to stay close to the beach and play in the tidal pools:

Brady did get braver as each day passed. He would get a little farther out into the water. But, he much preferred to play in the pools and sand and chase birds:

Dustin bought a boogey board and Jackson LOVED it:

Brady enjoyed the boogey board as well:

Jackson went out and fished with Daddy and Mr. Dan:

The boys played together, in the sand, with Grancy, looked for hermit crabs with Daddy and just overall had a blast!

My sweet boys!

Next Stop...Poppy & grandma's house in Houston....


mokru said...

I love how ya'll were still able to get in the water in late October...that't Texas for you! Boys are getting so big (and are still really cute!)