Saturday, August 14, 2010

Berry Patch Farms

Today was a beautiful day, so we decided we needed to do something fun and different outside. So, we decided to head to Berry Patch Farms.

This is a working organic farm not too far from our house. You can pick all the fresh berries or other veggies you want. But, before we headed out to the berry patch, Jackson checked out the chickens and a pig named Bacon Bits!

Then we got our cartons:

and headed out to pick some fresh strawberries and raspberries!

The boys enjoyed plenty of strawberries along the way:

They ran and had fun:

And took a rare picture with Mommy:

Then, we got back on the hayride and went back to the barn:

And the Brady promptly fell asleep on the carride home:

It was such a neat experience and one that we will definitely do again!