Friday, August 27, 2010

Slumber Party

Dustin and Clay took a weekend trip to Las Vegas for their fantasy football draft. So, the Watson girls, Caroline and Rainey, came over to swim, play and then snuggle up and watch Nemo.

They have so much fun together!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Visit from Friends

My friend from high school and college, Hillary, came through Denver recently and stopped by to catch up. She has a little boy, Jake that is only two months older than Brady. It was fun introducing our kiddos and letting them play.

As you can tell, Jake is twice the size of Brady. He is a big kid! And, it is also evident that my child is a ham.

Further proof:

Once Jackson woke up from his nap (school is really wearing him out!), he joined in the outdoor fun:

It was really great to see you, Hill, and catch up. And Jake is such a sweetheart! Hope we see you again soon!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Jackson started a new preschool today at St. James. Here is he ready to head out the door:

And walking up to his new school, while Daddy carries all his school supplies:

Then, just few inside his new classroom:

There were a few tears when we dropped him off, but he stopped fussing quickly.

He loves to go to school and loves his teacher, Miss Walker. He also gets to carpool with our neighbor, Jack, and he really likes that!

We are really excited about this new school, and hope he has lot of fun this year!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Berry Patch Farms

Today was a beautiful day, so we decided we needed to do something fun and different outside. So, we decided to head to Berry Patch Farms.

This is a working organic farm not too far from our house. You can pick all the fresh berries or other veggies you want. But, before we headed out to the berry patch, Jackson checked out the chickens and a pig named Bacon Bits!

Then we got our cartons:

and headed out to pick some fresh strawberries and raspberries!

The boys enjoyed plenty of strawberries along the way:

They ran and had fun:

And took a rare picture with Mommy:

Then, we got back on the hayride and went back to the barn:

And the Brady promptly fell asleep on the carride home:

It was such a neat experience and one that we will definitely do again!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Dustin has a garden that he takes very good care of. He and Jackson planted the veggies and Dustin keeps up with all the work necessary to maintain a garden. I have no part in this. But, Jackson gets very excited when the time comes to pick some ripe veggies.

Today, Dustin and Jackson pulled the first carrot of the season. Dustin washed it off and Jackson enjoyed it!

I love that Jackson helps Dustin with the garden and that he enjoys eating the fresh veggies!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bellview Park

Today we met up with Kay, Caroline and Rainey and went to Bellview Park. This park is great. They have a petting farm:

with a cow:

a pig:

some sheep:

Jackson and Caroline found a chicken that clucked at them loudly:

They encouraged Brady to come check it out:

The kids thought the loud chicken was hysterical. I wish I had video of how hard they laughed. It was priceless!

They also have a great train that rides over some bridges and through a tunnel. The kids waited patiently to get on the train:

As you can tell, it was so easy to get a picture of all four kiddos sitting still!

After the train ride, we headed to the park and let the kids burn off energy.

Jackson and Caroline in the airplane:

Brady and Rainey in the airplane:

Jackson was exhausted from all the fun, so he let Caroline push him to the car:

A great park and a great day!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Checking Email

I was looking for Jackson today and yelled to ask where he was. His response: "I am checking my email."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

New Sandbox

Dustin made the boys a new sandbox area to play in. It is now big enough for both to play in. And they love it!