Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt- Stapleton

The boys had quite an Easter this year. It started early and they both enjoyed every minute of Easter weekend. First, we went to the Easter Egg Hunt in Stapleton. It was ridiculously crowded and both boys had more fun waiting than during the egg hunt.

Jackson sampling his first Peep:

Surpisingly, not a big fan of the Peeps!

Sweet brothers...even if Brady looks a bit freaked out!

I had to include these, even though in the front Dustin is talking and eating Peeps. Jackson was just being so sweet!

Brady and Daddy practicing walking:

Brady's crazy hair...seriously the kid needs a haircut!

Silly faces while waiting for the hunt to begin:

Waiting for the hunt (there were so many people)

Returning with his two eggs:

The egg hunt was not well organized at all and the parents hunted eggs with the kids. So, Jackson got a total of 2 Easter eggs. He still enjoyed it! We also ran into some friends while at the Stapleton egg hunt and went to their house for brunch and more egg hunting!