Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dustin's Birthday

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Jackson helped make his Daddy's cake and decorated with what else but...sprinkles!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Finally...a Haircut

Brady got his first haircut! It was not really planned so I have no pictures of the actual cut, but I got some after shots. He did such a great job during the haircut, never fussing!

His haircut could not be cuter....He looks like such a little boy now!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Bib

Grandma MJ made Brady this cute bib...

Thanks Grandma!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Watsons Visit

Our friends were in town looking for a house...yay! The Watsons are moving back to Denver and the boys could not be more excited! While they were house hunting Caroline and Rainey hung out with Jackson and Brady.

Caroline and Brady played

And they all bounced:

And just had a great time, too good of a time to sit still for pictures! Can't wait until you guys move back this summer!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning

We set out Easter baskets which included goodies from all the grandparents (cute buckets, balls and cards from Grandma and Poppy; cards with goodies from Grancy and Mr. Dan and Easter eggs with goodies from Grandma and PaPa...they are not spoiled at all!)

Jackson woke up first and discovered all of the treasures left by the "Easter Bunny"

Then, Brady got up and enjoyed opening his basket:

Such a great weekend- too bad we didn't get to spend with the rest of the family...thanks for all the Easter goodies!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Egg Dye-ing

After naps, we headed to our friends Marc and Jill's house to dye Easter Eggs. It was a busy day.

The real gem of the dye-ing experience is that Jackson learned about and fell in love with the hard boiled egg!

Easter Egg Hunting- Take 2

We ran into our friends at the Stapleton egg hunt and they invited us to come hunt more eggs and have brunch.

Jackson and Maile hunting eggs:

Brady hanging out and sharing Jackson's eggs (he really, really needs a haircut!)

Again, the boys had so much fun. This time Jackson got plenty of eggs and enjoyed opening each one to see what treat awaited! We had one more egg hunt, Easter morning with the Crawfords, but I forgot my camera! Jackson got really into the egg hunts. I look forward to next year when Brady is running around with him!

Easter Egg Hunt- Stapleton

The boys had quite an Easter this year. It started early and they both enjoyed every minute of Easter weekend. First, we went to the Easter Egg Hunt in Stapleton. It was ridiculously crowded and both boys had more fun waiting than during the egg hunt.

Jackson sampling his first Peep:

Surpisingly, not a big fan of the Peeps!

Sweet brothers...even if Brady looks a bit freaked out!

I had to include these, even though in the front Dustin is talking and eating Peeps. Jackson was just being so sweet!

Brady and Daddy practicing walking:

Brady's crazy hair...seriously the kid needs a haircut!

Silly faces while waiting for the hunt to begin:

Waiting for the hunt (there were so many people)

Returning with his two eggs:

The egg hunt was not well organized at all and the parents hunted eggs with the kids. So, Jackson got a total of 2 Easter eggs. He still enjoyed it! We also ran into some friends while at the Stapleton egg hunt and went to their house for brunch and more egg hunting!