Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy First Birthday, Brady

Wow- where has the year gone?? This year has gone by so fast and Brady you have gone from a teeny baby to an almost toddler. You have grown and changed so much over the last year.

Weight: 21 lbs, 4 oz (although I weight you right after and you were 22 pounds...the doctor's scale might be off)
Height: 29 inches
Head: 60% (it is getting more proportionate!)

What's going on this month:

You have started standing on your own and are getting a little closer to walking. You love your walker and are getting fast every day. Although you still look like Frankenstein! You can also walk if we just hold one of your hands for balance.

You eat well and will pretty much eat whatever I put in front of you, which is nice. You love mac-n cheese, ravioli, chicken, cheesy pasta stars, black beans, corn, peas, oranges and strawberries. You are not a big fan of green beans at the moment. I have taken away your morning bottle and you easily transitioned to milk in a sippy cup!

I love that you easily transitioned to milk so no more formula! But, you do love your bottles and love getting one before nap and bed time.

We are trying to transition you to one nap a day, which you were taking for a while. But, you have been fighting a cold and so have been sleeping more! You are still a great sleeper and go to bed about 7:00 and wake up between 7 and 8!

You still think your brother hung the moon. And he is pretty fond of you as well. You guys are starting to play well together. We have to remind Jackson to be gentle frequently...if he wants to play with you sometimes he will just grab your pants and drag you where he wants you to go. We are working on that! Just the other morning you were playing outside together and having so much fun. Even when Jackson dumped a bunch of dirt on your head you just kept playing and smiling. I hope you guys continue to have this much fun together!

You still babble a lot. You now say dog (although it sounds like "ga") but you are definitely talking about the dogs. You are also starting to point more for what you want. We need to get better about sign language.

You have 6 teeth (three top and three on bottom). I think you are getting two more right now!

You are still the sweetest little boy and we are so blessed to have you. We all love you so, so much and can't wait to watch grow into a little boy over the next year! Happy 12 months, my angel!