Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy 11 Months, Brady

Wow Brady, you are almost one! I did not get to do a post for your tenth month because we were in Houston celebrating Christmas! This last month has been so much fun. You have been a busy boy! You took your first plane ride to Houston to visit all of our family and then to Austin! You traveled great. Thank goodness!

You started crawling when you were nine months old and now are really speedy! In the last month, you have also started pulling up on everything and are beginning to cruise. You also still babble all the time.

You eat like a champ. You weaned off nursing when you were nine months and now take three bottles a day. You absolutely love your bottle and get so excited whenever you see the bottle or we do the sign for milk! You love the sippy cup and love drinking water. You are constantly stealing Jackson's sippy cups and drinking all of his water. You steal other babies sippy cups as well.

You eat like a champ as well. You eat just about anything we put in front of you and love fruits, veggies, yogurt, ravioli, pasta. You really like blueberries, strawberries, bananas, sweet potatoes, peas. The only thing you really have not liked lately is cottage cheese!

You have four teeth and your fifth and sixth and just about to break through. Then you will have four on top and two on bottom.

You are such a social little boy. You love to people watch and can watch for hours. You will turn around and crane your neck to check out other people. You also love any attention you can get! You love to clap and hold your arms up in the touchdown sign. You also still love playing peek-a-boo. You continue to laugh at all the silly things Jackson does.

You also love music. Whenever something you like is playing you will stop playing and bounce with the music. Poppy and Grandma had a dog that rocked to Christmas music at their house and every time Jackson turned it on you stopped and danced! So cute! You are also a fan of Poker Face and you and Jackson love dancing to this.

You are so sweet and full of life and we count our blessings that you are our little boy! You are growing too fast, but I still can't wait to see all the things you will do in the next month and upcoming year! We love you, little man!

PS- Happy Birthday Uncle Carlo- Hope you had a good one!