Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy 9 Months, Brady!

Seriously...9 months have passed. Before you know it we will be celebrating his twenty-first birthday!

Weight: 20 pounds (50%)
Height: 28 inches (50%)
Head: 85%

Brady, you have becomes such a wiggle worm this last month. You were always wiggly, but recently you are on an entirely new level! You now roll all over the place and get on all fours and rock. The other day I also watched you try and pull yourself up on the couch. I am not sure I am ready for you to become active.

You are also sleeping on your belly now- which is so cute (and maybe will round out your head a bit!)

You still eat like a champ and are starting to eat more and more finger foods. You love avocado, green beans and real peas, sweet potatoes and bananas. You love all of your veggies and even enjoyed asparagus and acorn squash! You still nurse 2 times a day and enjoy your bottles.

You got your third tooth this last month and the fourth is close behind. It was not too bad for you (or mommy and daddy!)

You are talking all the time now. You say Dada (that was your first "word"), baba, mama, and yaya. You jabber constantly!

You still love to play with your brother and pretty much laugh at everything he does- which includes him tackling and sitting on you. Your laughing just encourages him! You also love your bath time and are still enjoying books more and more. You love to bounce in your bouncer and eat any toy (or really anything!) you can get in your mouth.

You are still the sweetest, happiest, laid back baby and we enjoy every minute with you! Your smile lights up a room!! We love you little man!