Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy 8 Months, Brady!

My sweet little baby is growing up so fast... and is now 8months old!

Here are some things you have been up to in the last month:
- you eat 3 meals a day and have nurse/have bottle 4 times a day. You still don't love most fruits, but recently discovered a love for blueberries. You still love all of your veggies. You are also more interested in finger foods these days, so we have been giving you cherrios, bananas, avocado. You are getting really good at picking up foods.

- you are still a great sleeper. You take 2 naps a day and sleep great at night, generally waking between 7:30-8:00! In the mornings or after naps you will lay in your crib and talk and play. When you see us come in and peek over your crib, you get so happy- giving us big smiles and kicking your feet!

-you still don't crawl- at least not in the traditional sense. You are really good at moving backwards- just have not figured out how to move forward. I think you are getting close though- you lunge forward from sitting a lot in order to reach your toys!

-you still only have your bottom two teeth- but I really think the top ones will make an appearance soon!

- you are in a size 3 diaper and 6-12 months or 9 months clothes.

Your loves:
- bath time--you love splashing around in the water. You laugh so hard every time Jackson splashes you!
- your jumper--you are so funny and get so excited every time you are in there. Sometimes you get going so fast, you look like a video game character.
-food-- you love cherrios and biting biscuits, pretty much anything you can get in your mouth. You try and take food off our plates and get it to your mouth. We have to really pay attention.
- being held-- you like attention from anyone, but still prefer mommy at this point.
- you love when we sing to you- your favorite right now is "you are my sunshine" and I sing that to you right before I put you down for naps or bed time. You also love "the ants go marching."
- you are starting to love books more and will listen to the story a bit more rather than just trying to eat Goodnight Moon.
- Jackson-- you still think your big brother is hilarious. Although now sometimes when he comes up to you you will get this scared look in anticipation of what he is about to do to you. He is generally sweet, but can be a little rough! For example:

-You still have the sweetest smile and the best giggle!

- You are still not a fan of being left alone for too long- you prefer to have someone paying attention to you!

You are still really laid back and extremely happy!

You are wonderful and adorable and we all love you so much! Happy 8 months little man!