Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy 5 Months, Brady!

What??? 5 months already!

You are getting to be such a big boy. You continue to be smiley and happy 99% of the time. Such a sweet, laid back baby. All we have to do to make you smile is look at you and say something-anything! Oh, and you love peek-a-boo!! You only really fuss if you are hungry or tired or when your teeth bother you. You bottom teeth may be making an appearance shortly!

You can almost sit up on your own- you can sit for about 10 seconds before you topple over. But, you think toppling over is so funny! You also love to scoot backwards. I lay you on the floor and within seconds you are moving. I was kind of hoping for a more stationary baby after having Jackson, but it does not look like that will be the case. You still have no interest in rolling over. Apparently, it is just not for you!

You also continue to love your brother- you love when he acts silly and you always have the best belly laughs when Jackson entertains you. It is the sweetest sound ever!

I think you are starting to recognize your name. And you are starting to play with your toys more. You will hold toys and rattles and immediately put them in your mouth.

You continue to sleep 12 hours at night and no longer use the swaddle. You take 3 naps a day, anywhere from 1.5-2 hours each, such a good napper! You still have 5 feedings a day. And, in the next couple of weeks we will start you on some oatmeal. Man, you are growing too fast.

You are so loved my precious baby boy!