Friday, June 26, 2009

4 Months Old!

Wow- four months old already….just wow.

Four month stats:
Weight: 15 pounds, 7 oz. (55%)
Height: 25 in. (50%)
Head: 17 (75%)

What a big boy. You remain the sweetest little baby and most of the time you just go with the flow. This was a big month for you. You got baptized and Poppy and Grandma Savino and PawPaw and Grandma Aldridge all came to celebrate with you. You also rolled from your belly to your back (on June ??). You of course did this for Erica, your nanny, and have still refused to repeat the performance for mommy. Oh well- we know you can do it. We also took away your 10:00pm feeding so now you sleep for 12 hours at night! Yay!

Here is what you have been up to the last month.

You love:
-your family- you give mommy, daddy and Jackson the biggest smiles. You also giggle all the time. There are so many times that I catch you just watching Jackson and smiling- you do love your big brother. And, Jackson loves you so much! He is constantly giving you hugs and kisses and shares his trucks and animals with you. You two are fun to watch!

- uninterrupted eye contact. You love when you get one on one attention (which is sometimes hard with your brother around!) But, man, when you get that attention you smile so big!
- talking- you have started cooing so much and love when people talk back. It so too cute having a little “conversation” with you!

-the pool- you will sit in your car seat or with mommy and watch all the people at the pool.

You dislike:
- too much tummy time
-being ignored for a long period of time.
- spitting up (oh wait.. that is mommy’s dislike!)

It has been such a great four months little man. We love you!