Friday, June 26, 2009

4 Months Old!

Wow- four months old already….just wow.

Four month stats:
Weight: 15 pounds, 7 oz. (55%)
Height: 25 in. (50%)
Head: 17 (75%)

What a big boy. You remain the sweetest little baby and most of the time you just go with the flow. This was a big month for you. You got baptized and Poppy and Grandma Savino and PawPaw and Grandma Aldridge all came to celebrate with you. You also rolled from your belly to your back (on June ??). You of course did this for Erica, your nanny, and have still refused to repeat the performance for mommy. Oh well- we know you can do it. We also took away your 10:00pm feeding so now you sleep for 12 hours at night! Yay!

Here is what you have been up to the last month.

You love:
-your family- you give mommy, daddy and Jackson the biggest smiles. You also giggle all the time. There are so many times that I catch you just watching Jackson and smiling- you do love your big brother. And, Jackson loves you so much! He is constantly giving you hugs and kisses and shares his trucks and animals with you. You two are fun to watch!

- uninterrupted eye contact. You love when you get one on one attention (which is sometimes hard with your brother around!) But, man, when you get that attention you smile so big!
- talking- you have started cooing so much and love when people talk back. It so too cute having a little “conversation” with you!

-the pool- you will sit in your car seat or with mommy and watch all the people at the pool.

You dislike:
- too much tummy time
-being ignored for a long period of time.
- spitting up (oh wait.. that is mommy’s dislike!)

It has been such a great four months little man. We love you!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We had a photographer come over recently to capture some pictures of the family. Brady was pretty serious until she left and then he could not stop giggling. And Jackson would not leave Brady alone until she came and then he wanted nothing to do with kissing and holding Brady. Par for the course, I suppose. But, she did manage to capture some good ones.

Here are some of my favorites (there are quite a few):

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Brady's Baptism

Brady was baptized today. It was a nice service and both boys behaved incredibly well. Jackson stayed and behaved almost the entire service which was an hour and half long! Brady smiled and cooed the entire time....just like the angel he is.

The only good family shot we got:

More extended family shots:

More Tummy Time

Brady enjoying a little tummy time:

But, this is what happens when Grandma forces too much tummy time!

Sorry, I know that is gross, but really, how amazing to capture a photo at the exact moment spit up happens! Sorry Brady!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Family Visits

This weekend was Brady's baptism and Father's Day. So, my parents (Poppy and Grandma) and Dustin's parents (PawPaw and Grandma) all came to visit. I didn't capture too many pictures with all the excitement, but I did get some.

Poppy hanging out with Brady:

Jackson and Poppy:

Jackson and Grandma Savino practicing yoga:

Grandma Aldridge and Brady:

Brady and PawPaw:

Grandma and Brady:

The boys had so much fun with you guys! Thanks for coming to share this time with us. We loved seeing everyone as well. Thanks for all the fun!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just Hanging Out

Jackson loves to join Brady on his playmat. He is so good with his little brother, showing him his toys and reading him books. Gotta take it all in while the loving behavior lasts!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just Because....

he is too stinkin' cute...

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Nothing better than enjoying a popsicle on a hot summer day...especially when you have been a good boy all day and just used the potty...yes we still bribe Jackson at times. Whatever works!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Sometimes after his nap (especially if he wakes up tired and grumpy) Jackson will watch some sort of t.v. He still loves Elmo and also Madagascar 2. Here he is enjoying a little t.v. Dustin and I just love that this is how Jackson sits when he is relaxing. He is too funny!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sweet Boys

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chunky Monkey

Here is my chunky monkey...such a sweet boy.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mom and Her Boys

Dustin managed to get some funny pictures of the me and my boys hanging out. This is a typical evening in the Aldridge household. Tonight Brady and I were laying on the floor and Jackson had to get in the mix.

Just hanging out--Jackson is enjoying some cherries:

Brady is checking out the t.v.

Jackson needed to be on top of me as is not fair to just let Brady sit in my lap...

And Jackson feeding Brady some pretend donuts (Jackson is always feeding Brady something- you have to keep a close eye on him!)

There were many smiles and plenty of laughter! It was a great evening!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Top Banana

Thing One and Thing Two

When Dustin and I went to Florida last year I was pregnant with Brady. I could not resist the "Thing One" and "Thing Two" shirts. We did not get great pictures of the two of them, but did the best we could. Most of the time Jackson is too quick to get any cute ones of the two of them.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Jackson Missed His Brother

Dustin took Jackson to Durango to camp with Grandma and PawPaw. They had a blast! (--sidenote--Dustin, of course did not bring a camera, but hopefully we will get some pictures from Grandma soon so we can post some of the camping photos!)

Anyway, Dustin and Jackson got home today and it was pretty clear that Jackson missed Brady. Some cute ones of the boys after nap time when they were finally reunited!