Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy 2 Months, Brady

Wow- time flies. Brady is two months old today.

12 pounds, 10.5 oz. (75%)
22.5 inches (50%)

He got his two month shots and so far has handled them like a champ! He barely even cried!

Brady has been such and enjoyable little baby. This month he has started smiling so much (really started smiling consistently around 7 weeks). It is the sweetest smile. While he still sleeps much of the day, he is starting to like more activities. He loves his bouncy chair, hanging out on the activity mat and sitting on his changing table watching his mobile. He coos and smiles while watching his mobile- it is cute. He also loves the blinds and his fan.

He is also handling his big brother pretty well. Jackson always wants to be in Brady's face. He constantly wakes him up from naps and in the morning by climbing into his crib and yelling "Hi Brady!"

Brady has also started sleeping well at night. He can sleep from 10:00-6:00---which is so nice for mommy! Overall, such a joy. We all love him so much!!

Here is my little 2 month old: