Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hanging Out

Yes, Brady is still here and doing great! He just sleeps so much that I don't take as many pictures. Poor second child!

As an update, he is doing great. At 3 weeks he weighed 8 pounds, 7 oz. so he growing like a weed which is great! He has started sleeping more at night and gives me 4 and 5 hour stretches...which is so nice! Brady has a great temperament and tolerates his big brother well. I need to get some pictures of the two of them, but I can't turn my back on the boys because when I turn back around Jackson is laying on top of Brady giving hugs and kisses! It is cute but I look forward to Brady getting a little bigger so he can handle it a bit better!

My tired little guy...


mokru said...

Monica, you look great! And Brady is a cutie. Congrats! Glad to hear everything is going well.
- Megan