Tuesday, February 3, 2009

21 Months Old

Jackson is 21 months old today. The time is just flying by. Jackson has been so much fun lately and is continuing to do new things everyday.

So I can keep some memories of this age, here are some things about Jackson at 21 months old:

1. Jackson now repeats what we say so we have to be really careful. His new favorite phrase is "Oh man!" He even adds the right inflection to the phrase. This one was learned after Jackson poured all the fish food into the tank. Thank goodness Dustin just said "oh man!"

2. He is starting to talk and communicate more and can string three words together. He also tries to tell us things he remembers from the day.

3. I love that Jackson knows the hand signals to "itsy bitsy spider", "twinkle twinkle" and his new favorite "twinkle twinkle traffic light" and claps and says "again" when I am done singing.

4. That any time Dustin and I leave, Jackson will give us a kiss and ask for a hug. He also wants hugs and kisses before bed every night.

5. Jackson loves soccer and I think he favorite part is getting hand stamps from his coach at the end of practice. He talks about the stamps for the rest of the weekend.

6. Jackson loves his dogs and pets and hugs Logan and Kylie multiple times a day.

7. Jackson loves to imitate his daddy. His current favorites include doing anything with tools and picking up dog poop! Hopefully he continues to enjoy that task because it is one I never partake in!

8. Jackson continues to love to read and can be found in his bed after nap time and in the morning with 10 or more books in bed with him- books which were not there when he went to sleep.

9. He started sleeping in his big boy bed and is doing great at it. He loves his bed.

10. He loves to run and can be founds playing "red light, green light" by himself. All of the sudden he starts running then yells "stop" and he stops. He does this all over the house. He learned this game at soccer.

11. He loves to dance and that includes what we call arm dancing where he just waves his arms around- it is too cute!

12. He loves his nanny Erica and asks about her everyday.

13. He loves trucks and buses and points them out whenever we are in the car.

14. When we play the "what color is this" game Jackson generally knows the answers.
Jackson knows the colors, blue, green, red, orange and yellow.

15. He loves to swim and play in the water.

16. Jackson loves to play rough with Daddy always comes back for more. However when he is done he yells "all done."

Here are some cute pictures of Jackson at 21 months- his last month as an only child!!