Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jackson Swings

I just love how much fun Jackson has swinging!

I know this is long, but had to share. That belly laugh is contagious!

Friday, June 18, 2010


Dustin attached the baby swing to the new play set.

Brady LOVES the swing and has a really hard time sharing with Jackson! I think we will need to get a bigger swing for Jackson to enjoy!


This morning I was trying to get everything ready to get out the house and thought it was a good time to introduce Brady to Elmo.

He loved sitting in his new chair and watching:

But, it lasted about 8 minutes! I guess that's about right for a 15 month old!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jackson tells a Story and Sings a Song

Here is Jackson talking about the gulper eel and the whales that live in the ocean while Brady blows kisses:

we had to take a brief break to get salt and pepper for his mac-n-cheese...then here is Jackson singing the name song:

Brady is dancing to Jackson's sweet music! Sorry about the bad lighting, but too good not to share!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Playset

Thanks to Craigslist, Jackson got a late birthday present:

While Jackson played on the slide, Brady played in the water table. Brady LOVES the water table!

The Jackson posed for the camera:

And Brady ran around the rest of the afternoon with a wet bottom:

A great summer afternoon!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Grandam (MJ) sent Jackson some fun hats and vests before his birthday party last month. They were a hit and continue to be lots of fun!

Monday, June 7, 2010

New Chair

Papa (Aldridge) made Brady a new chair.

He loves it! Thanks so much!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


This weekend we headed to Durango to meet Dustin's family and camp for the weekend. Overall we had a great time. The boys did great on the ride down there and on the way back (with just a little help from "Horton Hears a Who")!

The boys ate:


got EXTREMELY dirty:

cut wood with Papa:

went white water rafting...Jackson had a great time once he moved to the back where he got splashed less! (this picture is during the big rapids without Jackson and me (or Aunt Norah)):

hung out with Uncle Brandon:

threw rocks in the river:

and slept on the ride home:

It was such a fun filled weekend, with a couple of mishaps in the middle! Everyone had a great time. Jackson still asks if we can go back to Durango! Thanks for everything Aldridges!